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DFC是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/DFC.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
DFC是什么意思 DFC在线翻译 DFC什么意思 DFC的意思 DFC的翻译 DFC的解释 DFC的发音 DFC的同义词 DFC的反义词 DFC的例句 DFC的相关词组 DFCDFC 基本解释

数据流计算机;data format converter 数据格式转换器;discriminant function coefficient 判别式系数;

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1. DFC

1. 信号选择器:操作器 DFQ | 信号选择器 DFC | 信号限制器 DFF

2. 代称:sqcb 剩菜 | dfc, 代称 | kbrv 苦日子

3. 亮 门完全关闭(安全链闭合):DW 亮 门检测(井道门触点闭合) | DFC 亮 门完全关闭(安全链闭合) | DOL 亮 开门极限(前或后)

4. 厅门轿门全部关闭信号 亮:DW 厅门关闭信号 亮 | DFC 厅门轿门全部关闭信号 亮 | DOL 开门到位开关 开到底不亮

5. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

5. dfc:direct lift control; 直接力控制

6. dfc:design for cost; 面向成本的设计

7. dfc:ductile fracture criterion; 韧性断裂准则


8. dfc:digital flight controller; 数字化飞行控制器

DFC 双语例句

1. The result of simulation shows that the Gust Load Alleviation control based on DFC plan is available..

2. DFC

2. It is significant for the military and civil aircraft to realize DFC.

3. Our main products are DFseries intelligent charger for electric forklift, DFseries charger for electric tourist car, DFseries charger /discharger for nickelcadmium battery, DFCFseries special chesttype highpower charger/discharger used by accumulator manufacturers, DFC supercapacitance charger for hybridpower automobile, special charger for electric car Liion battery, DFLDFMseries automatic charger for electric and semielectric conveyor and pallet truck.

4. PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of glucose and its modulation by insulin on proliferation and differentiation of rat dental follicle cells in vitro.
目的:探讨胰岛素对高糖条件下体外培养的大鼠牙囊细胞dental follicle cells,DFC(下标 s增殖、分化的影响。

5. It is important to note that DFC is not a stand-alone application.

6. The method could be applied to the concentration determination of DFC in plasma and pharmacokinetics research.

7. 911查询·英语单词大全

7. These data are the basis of DFC.(4) Two prototypes are developed on the basis of theoretical research.

8. DFC的意思

8. These results clear indicate that the part of DFC regions is the site of rRNA transcription.

9. DFC

9. From both the cost of the degree of emphasis on improving the design and have a look at the order of the time, it can be said DFC is the further development of the DTC.

10. Of these components, the spherical FCs, and the DFC surrounding them, constitute a filamentous structure termed the nucleolonema. Over the years, the localization and transcription sites of rDNA and processing sites of pre-rRNA have been intensively investigated. The precise structure and functional relationship between the steps of preribosome synthesis and specific nucleolar substructures remains unclear.

11. Afterward, it analyzes the controlling impact of subsuming Seednet DFC into the standard of cable broadcasting and television by Regulatory Impact Analysis.
接著以管制冲击分析(Regulatory Impact Analysis,RIA,分析Seednet DFC纳入有线广播电视规范下的管制冲击。

12. DFC什么意思

12. This research analyzes and compares the diversity of MOD, Seednet DFC and streaming web video in the technique and service point of view through case study. It orientates the Seednet DFC and confers whether the Seednet DFC belongs to cable service.
本研究将透过个案比较分析法,从技术与服务的角度切入,分析比较中华电信MOD、Seednet DFC与网路视讯的差异,来为Seednet DFC定位,探讨其是否为有线广播电视服务。

13. With regard to corporation value and achievement evaluatation it analyses the comparative advantages of RIV model through the clarification of the economic phenomina concerned and the comparason with DFC model.


14. With regard to corporation value and achievement eva luatation it analyses the comparative advantages of RIV model through the clarification of the economic phenomina concerned and the comparason with DFC model.

15. The DFC synthetic methodology involves the integration of both mechanism and control design is applied to the design of planar five-bar mechanism. Having established the integrative optimization model, differential evolution algorithms search the solution space of the objection function.

16. DTC is a management method in a way, it obtains a design satisfying the functional requirements for a given cost target.

17. In this paper, based on provable security theory, a provable security cipher DFC is improved on speed without lost of security by means of fast implementation of square hash function.

18. Finally, we proposed a DFC prototype system and a DFC concept model based on the group technology and feature technique for the first time.

19. Market researcher DFC intelligence revealed in a study recently that by 2017, 39% of all console game revenue will come byway of Internet-delivered distribution platforms and other web-based sources.

20. Study of Concept Model about Clothing Design For Cost (DFC) Based on Concurrent Engineering

DFC是什么意思,DFC在线翻译,DFC什么意思,DFC的意思,DFC的翻译,DFC的解释,DFC的发音,DFC的同义词,DFC的反义词,DFC的例句,DFC的相关词组,DFC意思是什么,DFC怎么翻译,单词DFC是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材) 大学英语2011考研英语核心英语 大学英语考研英语大纲词汇英语 大学英语考博英语 成人英语成人高考专升本英语 成人英语MPA英语 成人英语MBA联考英语 成人英语BEC商务英语出国英语单词大全 (5本教材) 成人英语雅思英语 成人英语托福英语 成人英语GRE英语 成人英语GMAT800分常考英语 成人英语托业英语大学英语单词大全 (13本教材) 大学英语四级英语 大学英语六级英语 大学英语专业四级英语 大学英语专业八级英语 大学英语PETS公共英语一级大纲英语 大学英语PETS公共英语二级大纲英语 大学英语PETS公共英语三级大纲英语 大学英语PETS公共英语四级大纲英语 大学英语PETS公共英语五级大纲英语 新概念英语第一册英语 新概念英语第二册英语 新概念英语第三册英语 新概念英语第四册英语高中英语单词大全 (6本教材) 人教版高一英语 人教版高二英语 人教版高中英语 上海版牛津高中英语 苏教版译林牛津高中英语 高考高频词汇高中英语高考拓展英语初中英语单词大全 (13本教材) 人教版初一英语 人教版初二英语 人教版初三英语 苏教版译林牛津初中英语 广州版初中英语七年级英语 广州版初中英语八年级英语 广州版初中英语九年级英语 上海版牛津初中英语 北京版初中英语 考试英语初中英语中考英语 仁爱版初中英语七年级英语 仁爱版初中英语八年级英语 仁爱版初中英语九年级英语小学英语单词大全 (33本教材) 人教版小学英语三年级英语 人教版小学英语四年级英语 人教版小学英语五年级英语 人教版小学英语六年级英语 苏教版译林牛津小学英语 剑桥少儿幼儿自学英语预备级英语 剑桥少儿幼儿自学英语一级英语 剑桥少儿幼儿自学英语二级英语 剑桥少儿幼儿自学英语三级英语 广州版小学英语三年级英语 广州版小学英语四年级英语 广州版小学英语五年级英语 广州版小学英语六年级英语 北师大版小学英语一年级英语 北师大版小学英语二年级英语 北师大版小学英语三年级英语 北师大版小学英语四年级英语 北师大版小学英语五年级英语 北师大版小学英语六年级英语 外研版新标准(三年级起)小学英语 外研版新标准(一年级起)小学英语 上海版牛津小学英语 新起点小学英语一年级英语 新起点小学英语二年级英语 新起点小学英语三年级英语 新起点小学英语四年级英语 新起点小学英语五年级英语 新起点小学英语六年级英语 深圳版小学英语 新版小学英语三年级英语 新版小学英语四年级英语 新版小学英语五年级英语 新版小学英语六年级英语 学习应用类查询新华字典汉语词典成语大全诗词大全英文缩写大全英语单词大全在线翻译英文名科学技术名词五笔字根表笔画数查询偏旁部首查询汉字拼音查询区位码查询郑码编码查询仓颉编码查询四角号码查询中文电码查询汉字简体繁体转换在线编码解码专业英汉汉英词典科学计算器摩尔斯电码圆周率别人正在查DIMTpreponderantmuteglobal fallofforder dishcells of onedeniesamusement parkTorrid ZoneDFC老黄历汇率查询2019生肖运势天气预报列车时刻表观音灵签2019星座年运限行查询诗词名句汉语词典定制英文名新华字典

本文链接: http://dfccan.immuno-online.com/view-691029.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)